Built on trust and transparency, we remain the partner of choice for companies solving business challenges through human-digital interactions.

Digital strategists collaborating on a website project at Vivo Group
Humanising digital is at the core of what we do.

We create digital products that transform the way people connect with brands. This is reflected in the way we view technology, the work that we produce and our relationships with our clients and each other.

Understanding your business and your customers.

We uncover insights and shape market-appropriate products through a process of exploration and investigation, grounded in research and data.

Planning for longevity.

Backed by modern technologies and methodologies, we build products and systems that remain reliable, flexible and are able to evolve with time.

Clarity in the how.

Digital applications can be complex — to define, to build, to understand. We work hard to provide transparency in our process and our methodology, to ensure surety and confidence throughout the life of a project.

Specialists, not generalists.

Each member of our team has skills focused on a core discipline. Together, as an agency, we apply these skills to define and realise digital products with clarity and focus.

Dedicated teams.

Acting as a natural extension of your team, you have direct access to everyone working with your business. This ensures greater transparency, quicker action, and a smoother path through projects — along with the sharing of knowledge and expertise.

A commitment to collaboration.

Together — with our clients and each other — we unlock our best thinking and amplify the quality of our work.

Partnering for success.

As a team of digital specialists, we enjoy working with like-minded partners to leverage extended skill sets for appropriate outcomes.

HX® Process — our approach for unlocking our best thinking and creating great work.

Developed over several years, our HX® process has been built around an iterative approach that runs through a number of key phases, throughout the life of a project.

By evolving concepts and hypotheses in this way, we’re able to arrive at a thoroughly considered solution, rather than one built on best practice and assumption alone.

Exploration —
Define the opportunity.

Our Exploration phase is designed to set our projects up for success.

In this foundational phase, we dive deep into the opportunity to understand the business requirements, user needs and competitive landscape to inform the strategic direction of the asset.

We scale our involvement and the scope of this phase to align with your stakeholder expectations and need for external insight, garnered through a range of research techniques.

Execution —
Create the solution.

Our Execution phase begins with a collaborative and iterative process to craft the user experience in line with the strategic direction set during the Exploration phase.

We often re-engage research to validate our solutions before executing the designs in high fidelity, and bringing the experience to life in development.

We complete thorough testing of the asset before giving you access to complete your own.

From here, the asset is deployed into its live environment.

Evolution —
Improve and optimise.

The Evolution of an asset depends on the nature of the product and its role within your business.

Regardless of the plan post-deployment, we view the day we launch as day one.

At a minimum, we ensure your assets continue to perform as you need them to.

At this point, we also revisit any opportunities surfaced during the Exploration phase as future states, and work with you to develop a roadmap for continued optimisation and enhancement.


Working Together

All major projects are managed by both a Strategist and an Account Manager. Ongoing or ad hoc work is managed by the team member responsible for the nature of the work.

The specifics of all projects are set out in a Scope of Work (SoW) document. Any requests, changes or additions falling outside this are completed as subsequent projects, or on an ad hoc basis, at our hourly rate.

We enjoy working with other specialists to contribute to the overall success of a project.

All work is completed by our in-house, Brisbane team.

Our ongoing support looks different for every client. We tailor this based on your internal capacity and capability, the complexity of the product’s functionality, your appetite for continued optimisation and enhancement, and the flexible or fixed nature of your ongoing spend allowances.


Vivo Group specialises in PHP and builds the majority of our websites on Wordpress or the Symfony Framework. Our Wordpress CMS is heavily optimised and is perfect for content heavy sites, while the Symfony Framework is optimal for platforms or websites requiring a high level of business logic.

Vivo Group works closely with specialist partners to provide a variety of hosting solutions. Our offering ranges from basic hosting to enterprise-grade solutions with 99.9% uptime Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

We have experience with a wide range of eCommerce solutions. Our offering spans Woocommerce, Shopify and a fully custom build. Each solution has its own pros and cons and often comes down to your business processes. We’re able to walk you through each option to give your business the best outcome.

Vivo Group works with third party SaaS applications every day. We’re able to integrate with any platform that provides an external API.

When required, we manage the content migration process and mapping of content. For the majority of our website projects, we include a set allowance that can be scaled up or down depending on your needs.

We ensure the sites are kept up to date with all software releases, including system updates, plugin updates (in the case of WordPress websites), compatibility checks and repairs. This maintenance is conducted under our Ongoing Support arrangement with you.

Testing & Validation

We employ a range of user validation techniques throughout the life of a project from tree testing of information architecture to usability testing prototypes of key features.

We view the launch of a product as Day 1. Typically during the Exploration phase of a project we surface a range of future opportunities. Post launch, we work with you to develop a prioritised roadmap for further exploration of these and any other potential improvements that arise as we continue to monitor the effectiveness of the product via Google Analytics, split testing, Hotjar, etc.

Typically, all websites are WCAG 2.1 compliant. The rating, or level to which we comply (A, AA, AAA) depends on the nature and requirements of the project.


Yes, we can be engaged for any number of our services, listed on our Expertise page, however these are typically utilised together to define and create a project.

Yes, depending on the requirements, we can create static or interactive prototypes to demonstrate functionality, interaction, or animation.

Our design tools range from Figma and Figjam, to Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, to Principle and Whimsical.

Design files can be provided as links to online working files, or as offline zipped files.

Yes, digital style guides can be provided as interactive microsites, or as static pdf documents.

About Vivo

Vivo Group was incorporated in 2010.

No, we enjoy the challenges of working with a broad spectrum of clients, across industries. This approach allows us to bring diverse experience and fresh thinking to new projects.

Websites to SaaS products, mobile apps and digital style guides. We are well equipped to create a wide spectrum of online, digital projects.